OAKLAND -- Its taken Kevin Durant all of three days to restructure the paradigm for the 2016-17 Golden State Warriors.He doesnt have to fit in with us, Andre Iguodala said. We have to fit in with him.Durants ability is that transcendent. Hes been so assertive in scrimmages that he stands out even on a court that has three other members of last seasons All-Star team and the back-to-back Most Valuable Player.He dominates play when hes on the floor, Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. Hes a dominant offensive player, which is a great thing.So Durant has already plopped down on the Warriors couch and put his feet on the living room table. And he just got clearance to head to the refrigerator and grab a beer.I shot a lot today, and Draymond [Green] told me I wasnt aggressive enough, Durant said. Thats great for me. Hes basically telling me to shoot more. Everybodys trying to make me feel comfortable.Its significant that Green has signed off on this. He might end up being the starter whose offensive touches are most affected by Durants arrival. Last season Green averaged 82 touches per game, right up there with Stephen Currys 86 (and four more than LeBron James 78). Durant managed to finish third in the NBA in scoring despite significantly fewer touches per game in Oklahoma City (65). His touches should elevate simply because the ball moves more frequently in the Warriors offense, but even if he maintains those 65 touches, it would be almost 20 more per game than the player hes replacing, Harrison Barnes, who signed a free-agent contract with the Dallas Mavericks in July. That means someone else will have to dip.When Kevin Garnett joined Paul Pierce and Ray Allen in Boston, the individual numbers declined for all three. That was actually a key to their success. These Warriors are different. They cant all recede. They need someone to step forward when the games matter most.Thats just part of basketball, Durant said. Its going to happen. You never know who itll be. Thats what makes it so dangerous. From Steph to Klay [Thompson] to me, S. Dot [Shaun Livingston], Draymond, Andre ... all of us can take over the game. Its not even about scoring. Its about having an impact. I think thats what everybody brings.NBA basketball still revolves around the stars leading their teams. Its a team sport featuring great individuals. LeBron snatched the NBA Finals from the Warriors. The Warriors wouldnt have even been there if not for Klay Thompsons historic shooting night in Game 6 of the conference finals. And so on. There are some exceptions, such as the 2014 San Antonio Spurs or the 2004 Detroit Pistons, but theres a reason those types come along only once a decade.Durant is fresh off being the star among stars in the gold-medal game of the Rio Olympics, when he scored 30 points.My thing is, I impose my will by scoring, when we need it, Durant said. I can do the other things, but Im highlighted by my scoring and how efficient I can put the ball in the basket and try to search out good shots for our group. I think whatever team I played on, thats what calmed us down, is me trying to get a good shot vs. just shooting and trying to score. Thats the type of game I play.Just from the first few days of practice, Ive been playing the same way Ive played my whole life.So far theres been no need to do anything different. He is aware of where he is and who hes playing with, though. Just before Durant met with the media, he wandered over to the basket where Currys post-practice shooting drill was underway, Durants eyes following the parabolas of Currys 3-pointers. Then Curry shifted toward the baseline, and Durant dutifully stepped off the court to give him more space.Keep in mind, Curry had a slightly higher usage rate than Russell Westbrook last season, and we all remember the speculation about who would have the ball in Oklahoma City. Durant managed to get his shots (about 20 per game), and the Warriors will carve out room for him in his new setting. From the sound of things, he wont feel guilty about taking them. Jameer Nelson Jersey .com) - Yankee Stadium is the home of the Bronx Bombers, but on Sunday afternoon it will open its gates to host the latest addition of the Hudson River Rivalry. Nick Anderson Jersey . Datsyuk will miss Tuesdays game against New Jersey and could be sidelined longer, while Cleary will likely miss at least the next three games. Its been an injury-plagued season for Datsyuk, who has suited up for just 39 games. https://www.cheapmagiconline.com/248i-dwight-howard-jersey-magic.html . Isner, ranked No. 14, won his eighth career singles title and took the title in New Zealand for the second time after his victory in 2010. The match was similar to Isners quarterfinal victory over fifth-seeded Philipp Kohlschreiber which went to three sets, all tiebreaks and contained no breaks of serve. Magic Jerseys China . -- Kyrie Irvings last-minute 3-pointer helped seal another victory for Cleveland -- and the Cavaliers longest winning streak since LeBron James left. Darrell Armstrong Jersey .com) - The game was all punts and field goals before Kodi Whitfields catch. We continue our review of the Hearthstone cards from Mean Streets of Gadgetzan with new cards from the Grimy Goons and the Jade Lotus, the names given for the factions that utilize the tri-class cards debuting in this expansion set. Several Mage and Warlock cards have been revealed since our last installment, so we now have a better picture of what these classes will look like after the card set drops next month.We start out with three cards that go along with the Grimy Goons mechanic of buffing in-hand minions in order to make less linear styles of gameplay more practical, something thats necessary to keep games of Hearthstone from being tempo fights.The initial comparison of Grimy Gadgeteer may be the Screwjank Clunker from Goblins vs. Gnomes, a four-mana 2/5 that had a Battlecry of giving a friendly Mech +2/+2. But this card is better. Screwjank Clunker, while providing reach, required you to have something on board while the Gadgeteer only requires you to have something in your hand, a much easier condition to fulfill. So from the start, youre likely to get 6/5 worth of stats for your four mana and the card has quasi-Taunt, in that the effect triggers at the end of every turn, meaning this card must be removed quickly. Even without constructed buff decks, Arena is minion-based enough that this will see play.Brass Knuckles on the other hand, Im not so sure about. Getting the +1/+1 random buff has value, but its such a slow weapon and theres a danger in having too many weapons in Warrior. Youre obviously not cutting Fiery War Axe and Id prefer Fools Bane to this (you have to survive to get to your slow buffed cards after all). Is there room for yet another weapon, one that isnt directly dangerous to the board? I dont think there is.The 5/6 stat line for seven mana of Don HanCho is underwhelming on its face and demands sexy card text. And while the effect isnt too wacky or unusual, its strong enough to make the card at least interesting in slower buff decks. Five-mana 5/6 cards are playable and a two-mana spell with that effect would be also; additionally, having a two-card combo in one card -- at least when the two things arent that odd -- is quite valuable. I dont think this will be a must-include, but there are ways to exploit an effect this stat-heavy. This is a tri-class card (Hunter/Paladin/Warrior) and while this is probably too slow for the Hunters kit, Paladin and Warrior have the tools to survive into late game.The Kabal Chemist represents pseudo card draw, something that can be quite powerful even without it being a Discover card. This card draws a random Potion, a much more powerful group of cards than the spare parts that many Goblins vs. Gnomes cards added to your hand. There have been seven Potions released, consisting of three AOE potions, a minion buff potion, an enemy minion-weakening potion, a Secret, and the mini-Shadow Madness one. Most of these potions have some utility to a Priest, Warlock, or Mage, the three classes that can play this card. Discovering a Potion would be even more powerful, but then youd probably need a weaker minion than 3/3 for four mana to compensate.Two of the potions, for Mage, are the Volcanic Potion and the Potion of Polymorph.The effect of the Volcanic Potion is good enough, but the all minions disclaimer means that Mage decks that do rely on minions cant make much use of this card, so Tempo Mage is probably out. What this card does empower is the more control style of Mage. Not sure if it makes the Freeze Mage cut, but the conditions are there. I think where this card will see the most play is in a Grinder Mage that tries to get to fatigue and win there.For Potion of Polymorph, youll need a control-heavy meta for this to see play at all in tournament play..ddddddddddddMost midrange and aggro decks will be able to play around this fairly easily, the same way Mirror Image can be played around. Actual Polymorph is only one mana more and you can actually choose when to play it - this card is only obviously better in situations where your opponent is playing a quick-impact card like Grommash Hellscream or Ragnaros. But if this becomes anything more than occasional surprise card, what are the odds your opponent will give you cards like that?Kabal Lackeys viability requires Secret Mage to be an actual played deck. While it looks good in isolation -- playing a three-mana secret for free is a lot of value -- theres already a card in the Kirin Tor Mage that also does this and that never sees high-level play. Secrets are weak enough that just being able to play a secret in hand for free just isnt enough of an effect, you really need to be able to play all of them, like Cloaked Huntress in Hunter, or be able to draw and play one like Mad Scientist enables for the card to be that great.While Lackey may see play in Arena formats that encourage you to have a few one-drops, Kabal Crystal Runner really needs a Secret-heavy deck to see play. I dont think this deck will happen, so I expect this card to be one of the least-played from this expansion. Menagerie Warden in Druid has the same stat line, a better effect, and in a deck that is actually viable, and even that card is sometimes just an overcosted 5/5. That will happen more often with this card.With multiple cards this expansion that activate if you have no duplicates in your deck and Reno Jackson rotating out sometime this spring, were going to have to find a new name for Reno decks. Chogall in Warlock hasnt worked so far because Warlock doesnt have a lot of big spells that you actually want to play. Thats not true for Mage, that has Pyroblast, Flamestrike, Blizzard, Firelands Portal, Cabalists Tome, etc. Reno Mage ... err ... Singleton Mage has been on the edge of playability and I think this could be the tipping point for it, which will enable all sorts of cards like Medivh that arent seeing a lot of play right now.For those more familiar with seeing Murloc cards in Paladin and Shaman, Warlock was actually the original Murloc-stacked deck, Warlocks hero power preventing your hand from running dry after you play a bazillion small-mana Murloc cards. Will Seadevil Stinger revive the Murlock archetype? Im not so sure about that, there arent high-mana Murlocs apart from Finja, the Flying Star and many of the times you get around to playing this card, youll be running out of cards, not mana. I think this may be a one-off if we see Murlock come back, but I dont think its that amazing without a few more large Murloc cards.Its hard not to wonder if Bloodfury Potion doesnt exist to make Kabal Chemist weaker. The least powerful potion released, even in the best case scenario, three-mana for a +3/+3 buff for a Warlock is decent, not amazing, and there will be many times you cant pull this off. And if you get this as Priest or Mage playing the Kabal Chemist, you might cry.A much better potion is the Felfire Potion and Control Priests and Mages will absolutely not weep in a corner after drawing this one off Kabal Chemist. Much of the time, youll be able to clear the board and even if you dont, you ought to be able to weaken it enough to ping off or remove remaining minions using other methods. A good, straightforward spell.This article is part of a series analyzing the cards in the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Hearthstone expansion. For more, see part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 and part 7. ' ' '